Thursday, September 06, 2007

Obsessed to the Nth degree

I'm obsessed, i know it, you know it.. Ha ha here is my horoscope..which I try not to believe really, but man, today, its soooooooo spot on.

The receptive Cancer Moon reflects the depth of our feelings today and we may be at the bottom of a well without any way to get out. Paradoxically, it is our fear that prevents us from climbing out. Sensitivity is a gift, but it can also tempt us to hide in the safety of our inner world. Sweet Venus, nearing the end of her retrograde phase, holds an irritating quincunx with erratic Uranus, so sudden flashes of desire can shock us into motion.

Damn. Like I said to Caeci, in my ever what the hell fashion,

'The breakthrough is I seriously feel. Na somewhat vulnerable or the opening for vulnerability and what do I do with that? Do I just slink back and tightly shut the operculum or come out and risk some hermit crab coming in to separate me from my shell?'

Yuck. Ha ha ha ha..if you can't laugh at yourself, someone else surely will!

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