Saturday, October 24, 2009

Tired thoughts on a Saturday

I've been reading other people's posts today..yes, instead of working, mainly because I have overworked myself all week, til late hours, and now Saturday comes and i feel drained. Well, i felt drained yesterday (saying to honey in the car 'I want to go home' he said 'now?' I said 'No I mean HOME home..), so no wonder Saturday feels like hell. Also haven't been sleeping well because the air conditioner is on the blink and sounds like a rice milling machine.

I read on Ella's blog, about people who go to the US and live the american life..yeah, the work sleep work life..though, my sister Sue can veer a LITTLE out of this system, but she has meager savings, yet my sister tonette totally lives this system and has kick ass savings but has no life..My sisters didn't have it easy. Nette studied and worked at the same time, while pregnant..she is really one of those success stories, but she doesn't have time to live the life--for whatever reasons.

And here I am, living in the middle of nowhere (I don't mean Laos, as its very up and coming and give it a few more years, it will be more and more developed) but I mean on site, with no 7-11 in sight, no movie house and Tesco across the border..I live in a foreign country, yeah yeah, making good money, but I also have hmm 1 friend, not counting my hubby. And this friend I had to import myself!! Okay, I lie, Hubby's boss is also my friend, but..anyway.

I wish I had friends. You know..girl friends, people to do stuff with like pictionary, or scatterbrain or whatever that game is. People who call me and say what you doing? wanna come over for a few drinks? But perhaps its unrealistic to expect this, considering where I am.

I am soooooo hoping Vientiane has more to offer once we move. Pem seems to think so.

time to hit the road..its 5 p.m.

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