Wednesday, January 20, 2010

and just when you thought all was going well..

I was waiting for something to go was too good. and as cynical or pessimistic you want to say I am, I just say I am is cyclic, and things happen...and now,..what I can classify as possibly the worst thing that could happen in my life has happened. I can't imagine another thing that could be worst than this. Okay, perhaps an abrupt death of my father would be worst, but him, my best friend, confidante, partner in crime, has been diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer..

I guess I was given a year or two of full bliss: love, happy parents, work, stability..then siempre, this.

Thing is you cant break down. Not at this stage. Crying and breakdowns are for the weak. I will cry when he is dead, or when he is in pain. For now, he requires my strength and he deserves it all...

I guess I am going to start blogging more frequently again, as I usually do when the fish hit the fan..