Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Fears and the fear you fear

Every day is a new day to learn something new..even of the people that you thought you knew, but realize, after a while, after a few discussions..that you didn't know this person as well as you thought. But I am not afraid of learning these new things, nor am afraid of making mistakes..
I had quite an enlightening discussion with the person mentioned above. Me (the ever confrontational, but in a nice way..ha ha ha) said 'why don't you like to admit that you are wrong?' and **** said 'It would show weakness and I don't want to be perceived as weak". Fuck. Firstly, when you fuck up, its not an actual weakness its a mistake..the weakness lies in not standing up when you are asked 'who did this?' So again, the statement. I honestly believe that you show more weakness or *REAL* weakness when you are afraid to admit and accept your mistakes since you will never learn nor will you ever move from your present state of mind. So when someone knows or doesn't even know that you screwed up, by hedging around it, you ARE perceived as weak. Strong people address the situation..and no, it doesn't have to be confrontational, it just has to be DONE.
My frustrations about this is something that really flicks me.

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