Saturday, July 25, 2009

Timing V2

Okay, I just uploaded old entries from other blogs, mainly to fill in the gaps in stories, to give the full feel of the dramas I created for myself in the time my sister was ill.

But this also gave me the opportunity to look back through a lot of things I have written.

First of all I'm hesitant to share this openly, because its quite raw..and maybe difficult to appreciate or relate to..and because its so raw, I might open myself to criticism. On the other hand, as I said in an earlier blog, maybe this angst is all for nothing, and no one reads what I have to write..but just as long as it helps anyone who reads it, then its good for me...

But back to timing for a second.

I'm revisiting that title, because its apt. I look back and think about everything that I went through, and even surprising is the way I anticipted change, and scientifically dissecting my emotions..what a weirdo. But timing because even how Pem fits into this all is perfect I may never have come to Laos, I may never have taken this job, and never had met him if the chips didn't fall the way they did,..

Not that the 'other story' that would have evolved wouldn't have been interesting (assuming you chose to do B and then it sends you to page 31 and NOT page 40..) but well, this is it, this is me, the here and now.

I re read my stuff and know that I am cynical. I know that I am rude about certain things and extremely passionate about others. I may have friends who think I am harsh in my criticisms of the world, the people..whatever..but well..this is who I am. And this is what I think.

Here goes nothing.

The time is now..

Ming. Out.

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